Moving to Denton?

If you’re moving to Denton and needing to rent a U-Haul or large moving truck, remember to purchase the insurance offered over the counter from the moving truck company.  Your personal auto policy automatically covers damage to a car you rent, but it has to apply to a similar type of vehicle that would be covered on that policy.  I know the kid inside of us would have dreamed of driving a moving truck or dump truck everyday back and forth to your office job, but the insurance companies don’t quite see it that way and would not cover this type of truck on your personal auto policy.

If the GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating) exceeds 10,000 lbs., this would not be covered on your policy.  It can and does happen that you cause damage to the large moving truck you’re renting to move from Denton to Austin, Texas.  Driving through and backing up one of these whales in a small storage facility is tricky but you don’t have to be the one to personally foot the cost of repairs and lost rental income if you back up into something and cause damage.

Make sure to purchase:

  • the insurance offered by the moving company to cover property damage to the truck AND
  • coverage that pays for the loss of use by the moving/truck company.  You don’t want to get stuck with the cost of renting the beast out while it’s being repaired for 15 days+.
If you are moving to Denton and ever have questions about your personal insurance or whether a vehicle you use for business should have a different type of policy, call David at Ryan Everet Insurance for more information – 940-268-5112.  Drive safe and watch out for those trees when driving a big moving truck.