Does your Car Insurance cover this?

comprehensive coverage


Here’s a hypothetical situation:  Let’s say your car is parked for the night outside your house.  Next, a vandal breaks the window, which causes a wild pack of feral cats scratch up the interior of your car, and then mark their territory all before the sun comes up.  Would you think you’re covered on your car insurance policy?

Most policies that people to refer to as “full coverage” include coverage for Collision to repair your own car in an accident and Comprehensive (aka: Other than Collision) coverage to repair your car while it’s parked.

Some of the other losses Comprehensive covers:

  • Missiles or falling objects
  • Fire
  • Theft or larceny
  • Explosion or earthquake
  • Windstorm
  • Hail, water, or flood
  • Malicious mischief or vandalism
  • Riot or civil commotion
  • Contact with a bird or animal
  • Breakage of glass

Hopefully nothing crazy will happen to your car, but if you’re properly insured, you should be able to sleep sound at night knowing that the broken glass and cats fighting you heard are covered and can wait until morning.

Call us for a free review of your insurance at 940-268-5112.