Home Purchase Anniversary


Every year, just prior to the anniversary of your home purchase you will start getting solicitations for insurance. You may wonder why that happens. The answer is that it is public information. Whenever you transfer title of property in Texas it gets recorded with the county you live in. So, the insurance companies look up when your anniversary date is coming up and will start sending you solicitations for insurance quotes.  Is this a bad thing? Well, sometimes getting a lot of “junk mail” can be annoying. But, chances are if you haven’t had your homeowners insurance reviewed in a while you could be under-insured and over billed.  Just think about it for a moment. Have you added any expensive items to your house since you initially took the policy out? Did you make any additions or remodeling of the home?  Maybe you just put in a covered patio or gazebo. The simple truth is that it is always a good idea to review your insurance needs every couple of years to make sure you are adequately insured and not paying too much.

So, if you decide it is time to review your insurance coverage who should you call?  After all, you have a pile of insurance solicitations sitting on your kitchen counter.  Do you want to call each insurance company individually and see who has the best deal for you……I think not. Well, what if I told you that if you made just one call you could see over 40 different insurance carriers quotes? Most of them are in the pile of solicitations you already have. That’s what we offer at Ryan Everet Insurance. We simplify the process for you. Let us do all that insurance shopping for you! It is a free service and you have nothing to lose. Who knows, maybe we can also look at saving you money for your autos and business. So, call us today and let us help you figure out the right insurance carrier and coverage for you.

Robert Valentino-Agent
