Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University coming to Denton!
I will be hosting the Financial Peace University (FPU) Class at First Baptist Church in Denton starting February 16th, 2014 at 5pm. Childcare will be provided for those with little ones. Click here for more information and to sign up!
The subject of financial responsibility is a personal one for me. My family and I have seen the benefits of having a plan with money. I had debts like most Americans and thought to myself that I need to get with the program and start paying everything off. Around 2007 I heard of Dave Ramsey through the radio about the same time I was thinking about paying off my student loans, car loan, and credit cards. I read his book The Total Money Makeover and decided to follow this proven plan to get out of debt and build wealth. I had all of the normal and socially acceptable debts and none were outrageous on their own, but collectively it was going to hold me back financially. I had a plan, but it was a loose one at best and may have lost steam if I hadn’t done as Dave Ramsey recommends which is paying off the smallest debt first and moving on to the next regardless of the interest rate. We’ll cover that more in the class….
It took me about 2.5 years to pay off the credit card, auto loan, and student loans and man was I happy! I haven’t had a car payment since and don’t plan to either. There was some work involved, but the reward was worth it. I know what a difference this made in my immediate family and I was able to spread the word throughout my extended family as well. If you’re tired of being sick and tired, I can guarantee that this will be the best $93.00 (plus $9.30 shipping) you’ll spend and rivals the value of a college education in terms of long term financial success. Giving time to help others reach their goals makes it all worthwhile to me.
You’re never too in debt or too financially savvy to get something out of this course. For married couples, it will deepen your communication and have you working as a team instead of individuals. Single people get just as much out of it too since it gives you the feeling of freedom that is indescribable.
I hope you’ll consider joining me and if Denton is too far from you, you can also click here to find out where some classes might be held closer to your home. http://www.daveramsey.com/fpu/locations/org/5106/class/247759