Encompass 200% property location limit




Encompass – which is owned by Allstate, combines coverage for your home, outlying structures and contents.  Instead of a piecemeal approach, they offer a more realistic approach to insuring your entire residence with a Property Location Limit.  Most homeowner’s policies have separate limits for the main structure (Dwelling), Other structures (sheds, fences, detached garage), and personal property (anything that would fall out if you could turn your house upside down).

Consider the example of a house with a value of $500,000.  Encompass doubles that amount to a $1 million Property
Location Limit. Encompass combines coverage for everything — the replacement cost of the house, its outlying
structures (fences, garage, etc.) and the property’s contents.  Limits may apply for other structures and vary by state.

Contact your Ryan Everet Agent for more information.
